Learn Macro Photography during a Photography Apprenticeship. 

Macro photography is the art of capturing close-up images of small subjects, such as insects, flowers, and other tiny details that may go unnoticed by the naked eye. It requires specialized equipment and techniques to achieve stunning results. In this blog post, we will explore the steps that a Photography Apprentice can take to become a professional macro photographer and produce exceptional images that stand out from the crowd. 

Step 1: Invest in the Right Equipment 

During the Photography Apprenticeship your employer who may specialise in Macro Photography will have invested in the right equipment for macro photography. The most important piece of equipment is a macro lens, which is specifically designed for close-up photography. These lenses come in various focal lengths, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. A 100mm macro lens is an excellent choice for most macro photography, but longer focal lengths, such as 150mm or 200mm, are ideal for photographing insects and other small creatures from a safe distance. 

Other essential equipment for macro photography includes a tripod, a remote shutter release, and a good quality flash. A sturdy tripod is necessary to keep your camera steady during long exposure times, while a remote shutter release allows you to trigger your camera without physically touching it. A good quality flash can help to illuminate your subject and freeze motion in low-light conditions. 

Step 2: Understand Your Subject 

During the course on the Photography Apprenticeship course you will have lessons that discuss and show you how to create stunning macro photographs, you need to understand your subject. Take the time to study the behaviour and movement of your subject, whether it’s an insect, flower, or other small object. Understanding your subject’s behaviour and movement can help you anticipate its next move and capture the perfect shot. 

It’s also important to consider the lighting and background when photographing your subject. Natural lighting is ideal, but sometimes you may need to use artificial light sources to achieve the desired effect. In addition, the background should complement your subject and not distract from it. A plain, dark or light background is often the best choice, as it allows your subject to stand out. 

Step 3: Master Your Camera Settings 

Whilst taking part in the Photography Apprenticeship www.photographyapprenticeship.com we always teach how to adjust your camera settings like a professional and this is crucial for macro photography. To start, set your camera to manual mode, as this gives you full control over the exposure. Use a small aperture (f/11 or higher) to achieve maximum depth of field and sharpness in your images. A low ISO (around 100-200) is also ideal, as this reduces noise and ensures that your images are sharp and detailed. 

Remember the lower the aperture the lower the depth of field, so if you are seeking a blurry background, use a lower aperture f5.4 for instance. If you are seeking a sharp aperture that shows a clear back group and clear subject, use a higher aperture f22 for instance.

It’s important to note that macro photography often requires a slow shutter speed, which can result in camera shake and blur. This is where a tripod and remote shutter release come in handy. Additionally, a flash can help to freeze motion and produce sharper images. 

Step 4: Practice, Practice, Practice 

Like any other skill and as a Photography Apprentice in London, macro photography requires practice to master. Take your camera and equipment to your local park or garden and experiment with different techniques and settings. Try different angles, compositions, and lighting conditions to see what works best for your subject. 

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as they are a natural part of the learning process. Review your images and learn from your mistakes to improve your skills. 

Step 5: Edit Your Images 

Once you have captured your images, it’s time to edit them. Editing can help to enhance your images and bring out the details that may have been missed during the shoot. You can use software such as Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop to adjust the exposure, contrast, sharpness, and colour of your images. 

However, it’s important to remember that editing should only be used to enhance your images and not to completely alter them. Avoid over-editing, as this can make your images look unnatural and unrealistic. 


Macro photography is a challenging but rewarding genre of photography. With the right equipment, knowledge, and practice, you can capture stunning images and gain the skills whilst studying on the Photography Apprenticeship for 18 month. 

Contact the Photography Apprenticeship team today. 
